Personal Injuries Assessment Board

Under the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act of 2003, PIAB or the Injuries Board (as it is now known), was established. The aim of the board is to provide assessments on injuries sustained without the automatic necessity for legal proceedings to be brought before the court.

An application process was established under that act to include two forms which are required to be filled out by the claimant and the claimant’s General Practitioner.

Following that, the person against who the claim is being made, or there insurance company, have 90 days within which to reply to the claim and confirm whether or not they will assent to an assessment.

The Injuries Board will then make an assessment based on its own book of quantum, depending on the specific facts of each and every individual claim with reference to the two forms as submitted.

When dealing with the Personal Injuries Assessment Board, we can assist you with the preparation of the forms, submitting the forms to the board and by dealing with all correspondence which may come from the board, including the assessment. We can also advise you as to whether or not the assessment is appropriate or otherwise, depending on the facts of the case.

The First Step…
Contact our offices and make an appointment by either email of on 021 4901000 please consider in advance when would suit you to meet us!