Company Law

In respect of Company Law, Conways Solicitors provide the full range of services which relate to the setting up, running and closing of a company.

The areas which we cover include, but are not limited to, are the formation of a company, registration of business name, litigation for and against companies, debt recovery, employment law, partnership agreement, examinership, liquidation, voluntary windups, schemes of arrangement, company law compliance, shareholders agreements, commercial contracts and agreements, franchise and distribution agreements, licensing intellectual property, general taxation matters, share sale and purchase agreements.

Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic transformation in respect of company law enforcement in Ireland.

Paul Appleby, who is the Director of Corporate Enforcement, has been given wide ranging powers in respect of companies that are perceived to have violated company law.

Furthermore, where companies are being wound up or indeed in its day to day activities, where it is suspected by accountants and other such third parties that the company has not been run in accordance with company law , there is an obligation on that person to report the company to the Director of Corporate Enforcement. These wide ranging powers have the effect of ensuring that Company Law compliance is necessary. With ever greater penalties for non-compliance, Conways Solicitors can ensure that you avoid putting a wrong foot in what is a mindfield of obligations. At Conways Solicitors, we are in a position to ensure that you are continually updated and furthermore, we will review day to day action and assist you to put in place mechanisms and schemes to ensure natural company law compliance.

We can also advise on everything from directors loans to potential preferential treatment of creditors.

We are also vastly experienced in the area of company law litigation and the various requirements that must be complied with in order for a company to effectively carry out its business.

We can also advise the Company Secretary with a full service in briefing the Company Secretary as to the steps and pitfalls that come with the job.

The First Step…
Contact our offices and make an appointment by either email of on 021 4901000 please consider in advance when would suit you to meet us!